Arranging Your Team for Success


Before we bring the Chime In experience to your party/team event, we do a lot of preparatory work behind the scenes–instruments must be cleaned and packed, materials selected, songs carefully picked, and music printed and ordered in binders… but before we can do that, we have to write the song arrangements.

As you can imagine, there aren’t too many handbell arrangements out there for 80’s rock songs, or showtunes. We like to joke that maybe, just maybe, your group is the first ever to play this song on bells! In fact we have over 60 arrangements, custom-made for the Chime In exercise (and yes, there are some we haven’t tried yet), and we’re always doing more. It’s a little tricky; songs need to be catchy, recognizable, easy enough to play for beginners, and doable on a limited number of bells.

In music we arrange notes and players, but when you manage a team, you arrange all the team members and tasks to get to your goals. You have to pick the tempo where they operate best, and make sure your folks (staff/volunteers/coders/interns/etc.) are placed on the correct jobs and tasks. Sometimes this takes a little experimentation, job shuffling or trading tasks, but it’s worth the results when you get a smooth-running team.

What does this have to do with Chime In? Well, during the exercise we talk about shuffling parts around to get the best result, and as always we help them apply it to their workplace. So if you want them to understand the workplace re-arranging, a Chime In experience can help set the groundwork for the right kind of change. When you’re ready, book a session with us and we’ll get your team in the right frame of mind.

So let’s get arranging!

– Phil