March92025 Phil 0 Chime In TopicsHand Washing and Musical Magic Are you still washing your hands several times a day for 20 seconds with hot water? Probably so (at least, we hope so!). Are you still sin Continue Reading Continue Reading
March92025 Phil 0 Chime In TopicsYour Experience, Your Way It’s your team–you should have a say in the details of your Chime In experience! Here at Chime In®, we love the magic of our team experien Continue Reading Continue Reading
March92025 Phil 0 Chime In TopicsNOT a Company Coronavirus Policy Update from Chime In OK, I’m here at home and , as you might imagine, Chime In hasn’t done many gigs the past couple of weeks! We hope your team is doing well Continue Reading Continue Reading
March92025 Phil 0 Chime In TopicsIt’s Magic! (No, really!) Do you believe in Magic? If you follow Chime In at all, you know that we advertise our base location as “Central Florida.” OK, honestly? W Continue Reading Continue Reading
March92025 Phil 0 Chime In TopicsWanted: Newborn with Three Years’ Experience! Experience. The workplace thinks it’s important. Employers want their new hires to have it, and sometimes their expectations get a little unreal Continue Reading Continue Reading
March92025 Phil 0 Chime In TopicsTempo, Tempo! When we bring the Chime In experience to a team (and teach them to rock), we like to play around with making the music faster or slower. Starting a ne Continue Reading Continue Reading
March92025 Phil 0 General InformationWe Have an App! Yes, that’s right, while you were out setting off fireworks or eating burgers and apple pie, we were… doing that too, but we also had the Continue Reading Continue Reading
March92025 Phil 0 ChallengeRound Up the Posse! Do you have a posse? A cohort? A coterie? Are you their leader, or do you hang out with them, or work for them? If they want to be more effective as a Continue Reading Continue Reading
March92025 Phil 0 Arranging NotesBuffett and Bells: Is This a First? Go inside the mind of someone arranging classic rock for handbells! Continue Reading Continue Reading