It’s Magic! (No, really!)


Do you believe in Magic?

If you follow Chime In at all, you know that we advertise our base location as “Central Florida.” OK, honestly? We say that to make Tampa, Melbourne and Kissimmee feel better. Our home is the city of Magic (no, really!)–OK, technically our motto is “The City Beautiful,” but come on. There’s Magic here. That’s the name of our basketball team, one of our main “attractions” is a place with Magic in the name, and another is devoted to a series of Magical books…

Those of you who’ve already experienced Chime In will agree, there’s a point where you feel a “Whoa!” moment. You can see it (albeit not as impactfully as face-to-face) on our promo video, at about the 30-second mark. It’s when the boring talking turns into, “Wait, was that a music note?!” If everyone has kept the exercise a secret, the next revelation in the experience is, “Hey, we’re going to make music!” And music, as we all know, has its own special Magic.

There are successful, effective schools in our country that use music to help children learn advanced concepts (my out-of-college daughters can still sing you the “Water Cycle” song they learned at 7 years old–and so can I!). We still remember song lyrics from our childhood, even if we can’t remember whether tomorrow is trash day. And you can get a whole audience of strangers singing together just by saying things like, “Here’s the story, of a man named Brady…” And amazingly enough, when the minds of the elderly are attacked by disease, music is one of the last things they lose!

At Chime In, we harness the Magic of music to do extraordinary things with your team. We combine music with their job, help them discuss the tools and processes they’re learning, then compare them to the ones they use together every day at work. Teams relax, work together, and do things they would never have dreamed of trying as a unit.

We’ve seen a project team go from “You’re sabotaging our project!” to, “If we can cooperate at this, we can do it in our work!” People who were barely speaking find that if they can have fun together, they can work together. With Chime In, walls are broken down, issues set aside, and cooperative lessons are learned. The lessons stick, because they’re tied in with the music your team is making.

And it’s Magical!

(Time to harness the Magic! Contact us today)