The Time I Made Her Cry (9/29/2024) - When we conduct a Chime In experience for a team somewhere, we never know exactly…
Seven Little Notes (6/30/2024) - As a small business owner and musician, I often think things like, “How could I…
Magical Cruise (an Interlude) (5/4/2024) - I promised you a follow-up to my last post, and I will do that next…
A Magical, Musical Cruise (4/27/2024) - Today, my wife and I are leaving for a cruise—but not just any cruise, this…
A Tribute (9/15/2023) - Well, it’s been two weeks since Jimmy Buffett passed away. If you’ve been paying attention…
The Power of Music (part IV) (7/5/2023) - OK, it's time to wrap up the series on The Power of Music. First of…
The Power of Music (part III) (6/1/2023) - I started a band. It’s something I’ve been threatening for decades. Whatever company I’m with,…
The Power of Music (Part II) (5/5/2023) - Hey, we have a theme, let’s keep it going! I woke up a few days…
The Power of Music (Part I) (4/19/2023) - We have talked about how magical music is, and how useful, and how some people…
A Bicycle Built for Teams! (3/25/2022) - See the picture above? That's one of our favorite examples of teamwork. When we start…
“Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.” ― Johann Sebastian Bach