We have talked about how magical music is, and how useful, and how some people use it to do amazing things. But the bottom line here is, there is Power in music!
Here’s an example: In my non-Chime In work, I am the Deputy Program Manager of a 200-member team. I do many things to try to make the team feel appreciated, motivated, and fulfilled. I also manage raises, make hiring and promotion decisions, and provide expertise for our convoluted time card management system. But I’m probably most known and recognized for… Demo Days.
I host (or maybe more accurately, DJ) the every-three-or-four-week virtual gatherings where the teams get a chance to discuss and show off what they’ve done in the past several weeks. The teams do a great job, and I monitor and announce the teams’ demos… and sometimes there are gaps between one team finishing and the next starting. In those gaps, I play music.
It’s hard to describe how much this has affected the Demo Days. I don’t make a big deal about it, don’t even say my name, I just play music. I try to mix it up: jazz, movie themes, classic rock, pop, even Schoolhouse Rock! Sometimes I have a theme, and people try to guess what I’m up to. I also take requests (if I’m sure the requested songs are workplace-friendly).
SIDE NOTE: If you haven’t experienced Schoolhouse Rock, take 3 minutes and enjoy!
Phil (you’re welcome!)
By the way, lest you think I’m a professional at this, my tools are a laptop, Media Player and YouTube. I don’t always get the fade-ins right, and sometimes I have to scramble to not play ads when they pop up.
But people love the music. Even if it’s not “their style” of music, they enjoy the change of pace, and the fun comradery that comes from enjoying music together. The Demos are the main attraction, the music is a sidelight… but it makes a huge difference.
I also chat with some folks who would otherwise never have a reason to talk to me. I found out (when I played some marches) that one of our testers played French Horn in the Army band. The Schoolhouse Rock songs I mentioned earlier struck a nerve, because the older folks were singing along, and the younger ones were saying how wonderful this “new” music was!
No matter how you insert it, music has the power to bring people together—even during a software demonstration!
So, what can it do for you?!
Rock on.