Experience. The workplace thinks it’s important. Employers want their new hires to have it, and sometimes their expectations get a little unrealistic (see this article’s title). A quick Internet search will show you hundreds of articles debating whether education or experience is more important.
Here’s the truth: the more experience you have, the more you think it matters. The same is true for education. If you have more of it, you value it more. And of course either one can be critical in the right situation.
Here at Chime In, we provide an interactive, attention-getting group experience like no other. Employees with trust issues find themselves being trusted, and trusting others, to do their part. Groups who don’t believe they can succeed… find resounding success. The experience is hard, but also fun, and individuals come out of it believing in themselves as a team.
When an employer commits to Chime In, they are handing their team a valuable time of bonding, problem solving, cohesiveness and teamwork. This kind of experience is critical in guiding your group’s mutual progress toward being a great, effective team.
So how about it–are you ready for your team to experience a real difference-maker? Are they ready to Chime In?